Is the quality of your eLearning suitable for a changing working environment?
- On 27th April 2021
eLearning is now an integral part of our training culture, as the way that we train our workforce has adapted to operating in ‘the new normal’. Looking ahead, even with the easing of lock down restrictions, it is more likely that the delivery and management of risk and compliance training and general staff development will remain heavily reliant on online learning.
It is, therefore essential that the quality of your eLearning resources meets the needs of your organisation. Poor online content not only damages the key messages within your training, but also dampens the morale of a workforce. On the other hand, great quality eLearning content provides intrinsic motivation and makes key topics pleasurable to learn.
Here are 10 ways in which you can ensure your eLearning content is current, on-topic and engaging:
- Do ensure that your content remains current in terms of regulatory or legislative compliance.
- Engaging content will normally reflect the industry or profession that you work in, but it should also be contextualised to meet the specific learning outcomes of those for whom it is intended.
- Content needs to be informative yet appealing; a little humour and entertainment goes a long way when it comes to challenging the mind of your audience.
- Great [and innovative] eLearning uses a mix of multimedia. From video and simulations to animations and use of gamification in an appropriate manner, all can provide meaningful and memorable learning experiences.
- When commissioning or creating custom content, great instructional design can provide a basis for building enthusiasm. Intrinsically motivated learners are more likely to complete their eLearning – an important consideration for those concerned about the common problem of e-learner dropouts.” Factors such as challenge, curiosity, control, simulation and community are also key considerations within instructional design for adult learning resources.
- Online tests and assessments are a great way of understanding the impact of your eLearning on skills and knowledge, or compliance, but performance analytics and learner feedback can also be a guide to the quality of your content and help identify areas that may require improvement.
- Off-the-shelf eLearning courses offer a quick, cost-effective way to keep your organisation compliant with the latest workplace regulations as well as supporting soft skills development. With off-the-shelf learning, you can align course sets with job roles and in addition to internal resources, make this available 24/7 via mobile and tablets.
- One sure-fire way of getting the exact eLearning resources you need for your business is to create bespoke content. This will ensure you have content that reflects both the specific skills and knowledge requirements of your employees, and that it is designed and delivered in total context to your organisation.
- Think about content for developing soft skills such as leadership, communication and decision making and explore a blended eLearning solution to incorporate multiple training and development methodologies.
- Find content that thinks about the broader learning pathway, one that allows room for career development and defined skills categories.
How we can help you create exceptional eLearning content to meet all your workforce requirements:
- Check out our extensive range of off-the-shelf courses
- See how specialist development programmes can meet specific learning needs
- We work with our clients to design and build learning pathways that combine off-the-shelf courses with multiple online learning activities, including organisational materials
- Our custom content development services can deliver a totally bespoke learning experience
- We have created certified programmes of learning resources to support the delivery of Leadership and Management and Coaching and Mentoring qualifications at all levels
Let’s work together and create engaging content for your organisation!
Get in touch with our expert team on 01787 468512, or email us: enquiries@ea-learningtech.com
Sara Hudson
Head of Content Development