Helping businesses educate employees about Coronavirus awareness and optimising home working practice and management
- On 20th March 2020
The escalating situation regarding the Coronavirus outbreak is now having an unprecedented impact on everybody, creating commercial, economic and personal challenges that we have never experienced in our lifetime. Keeping employees safe and healthy, whilst trying to continue to provide services and support customers are key priorities as situations, which are changing almost daily, create more disruption and risk to business.
Clearly, it is essential to avoid misinformation and remain alert and aware to the effects of Coronavirus by equipping yourself and your employees with the correct knowledge to help minimise its spread. Equally, businesses need to equip those thousands of employees who are suddenly required to work from home with the structure, discipline and best practices that will ensure minimum disruption to organisational performance.
What we are doing to support businesses in these difficult times
You may already be exploring ways to provide consistent training in rapid timescales or enabling remote working with cloud-based software. To help businesses meet the above mentioned challenges, we have launched a new suite of short eLearning modules designed to provide awareness, skills and knowledge in the key areas.
Coronavirus Awareness Module
This module is designed to share information about the symptoms, spread and prevention of the current outbreak of coronavirus. It explores how to protect yourself and prevent the spread of disease, both in the workplace and beyond. The course has been created in response to a call for fact-checked awareness material following the outbreak of the novel strain of Coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2) and the disease caused by it (COVID-19) in Wuhan, China from December 2019.
Remote Working Module
In some organisations remote working is already a common practice, but many employees may have little or no experience of operating outside traditional office based roles. This module raises awareness of the disciplines, structure and best practices required to optimise home working, particularly as employers are enforcing a remote working practice.
Remote Worker Health & Safety Module
Where increasing numbers of employees are being required to work remotely in order to reduce the impact of Coronavirus, employees and employers need to understand how to ensure health and safety standards can be maintained. In this module, we’ll explore the definition of remote working, identify who’s responsible for the health and safety of remote workers as well as ways to reduce the risk of hazards for both employer and employee.
Managing Virtual Teams Module
Virtual teams work independently on a shared organisational purpose, using a range of technologies to communicate and collaborate. As remote working is increasingly enforced on many organisations, this module looks at the benefits and challenges of working in a virtual team, the importance of a clear communication plan and the role of the manager in ensuring the team’s success.
We intend to offer the Coronavirus Awareness module as a totally free element of the suite, with nominal charges for the other modules.
If you want any further information or wish to register onto any modules in this suite, don’t hesitate to contact us using this link
Stay well!
John Baxter
Managing Director